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EMEA Pride 2020: Access UK Fund


Access UK was established in 2013, following the London riots of 2011, our remit was and still is to address systemic inequalities within the British labour market and provide culturally competent IAG ( Information, Advice & Guidance) solutions for marginalised and disadvantaged BAME ( Black & Ethnic Minority Ethnic) beneficiaries. Access UK's careers and employability programmes are designed to address structural inequalities by offering practical and community-based services, that are tailored to our beneficiaries. The emergence of Covid-19 and it's disproportionate impact on BAME communities, coupled with the police killing of George Floyd in America, has placed a spotlight back onto the issue of inequality and global systemic disparities. Access UK is one of a select group of charities/social enterprises that directly addresses these institutional challenges at their root. We are pioneers of the public health approach which aims to deliver holistic community-based services, by tackling problems at the earliest possible opportunity and working with over 20 partners and a wide range of practitioners with complementary specialisms that supports our work.
EMEA Pride 2020: Access UK Fund

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