All Community created Funds

India's Vidya Daan For All  Fund
1 nonprofit
India's Vidya Daan For All Fund
Dear Seekers of Wisdom, At our organization, we are committed to a profound mission: to provide access to spiritual education, fostering personal growth, and nurturing the human spirit. We believe that in a fast-paced world, the need for inner peace and spiritual enlightenment is greater than ever. 🌿 Why Spiritual Education Matters 🌿 In the hustle and bustle of modern life, many people yearn for a deeper connection, inner peace, and a sense of purpose. Our work aims to: ✨ Offer guidance and teachings that inspire spiritual awakening. ✨ Provide tools and resources for self-discovery and personal growth. ✨ Create a community of like-minded individuals on a shared spiritual journey. 💫 Your Support Makes the Difference 💫 Your contribution to our spiritual education programs has a profound impact: 🧘 Courses and Workshops: Your donations enable us to offer transformative courses and workshops that help individuals embark on a spiritual journey. 📚 Resources: We provide books, meditation materials, and resources to support spiritual growth. 🤝 Community: Your support fosters a welcoming community of seekers who can support each other on their spiritual path. 🙏 Join Us in Nurturing Souls 🙏 In a world that often feels chaotic, your support can help individuals find inner peace and a deeper sense of purpose. Together, we can create a more spiritually awakened and harmonious world. 🌐 Get Involved 🌐 Donate: Your contribution fuels our mission to offer spiritual education to those in search of a deeper connection. Participate: Join our courses and workshops to embark on your own spiritual journey. Share: Spread the word about our organization and mission with those who seek spiritual growth. Visit to learn more about our spiritual education programs and make a donation today. Together, let's nurture souls and illuminate minds on their path of spiritual awakening. Thank you for your unwavering support.
Support People with Disabilities, Healthcare and Educational Initiatives  Fund
0 nonprofits
Support People with Disabilities, Healthcare and Educational Initiatives Fund
Dear VMware colleagues, Being inspired by the charity causes & missions of Vietbay Teens, a group of teenage kids from many high schools in the Bay Area, I'm currently helping them with organizing their annual charity fundraising event and the celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival for children in the Bay Area. Hence, I would like to ask for your support of their fundraising campaign happening in the upcoming October. Witnessing many heartbreaking stories of victim families during the peak of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam, this group of high school students formed back in 2021 with the mission to provide support and remedy the consequence of the pandemic. They organized fundraising events, worked both in-person and overseas with many non-profit organizations in Vietnam to support hospitals and COVID patients. As a result of their initiatives in last two years, they were able to sponsor thousands of N95 masks for hospitals in Vietnam and dozens of thousands of FREE meals for COVID-19 patients in 2021 and cancer patients in 2022 who are in difficult situations. This year, they will work with the Hearts for Hue Foundation, a NGO in Vietnam ( ) in supporting people with disabilities and healthcare and educational initiatives. Additionally, a portion of raised money is also used to organize the culture activities in Mid-Autumn Festival for the children & families in the Bay Area. Being a volunteer in helping with their activities, I am touched by their activities & missions and I personally made my donations for their charity causes and hope that I can do more to help. Your generous contributions will help to change the lives of those who are in disabilities and disadvantaged conditions including improving in their health & education. Please indicate your donation designation for "Support People with Disabilities, Healthcare and Educational Initiatives by Vietbay Teens". All donations will be sent to VietBay Inc., a 501©(3) non-profit organization in the San Francisco Bay Area which Vietbay Teens are members of. All US donations are tax deductible. More info of activities of Vietbay Teens is available here
HelpAge India Fund
2 nonprofits
HelpAge India Fund
HelpAge India is a secular, not-for-profit organization in India, registered under the Societies’ Registration Act of 1860. Set up in 1978, the organization works for ‘the cause and care of disadvantaged older persons to improve their quality of life’ HelpAge envisions a society where elderly have the right to an active, healthy and dignified life. It recently became the first and only Indian organization to be honoured with the ‘UN Population Award 2020’ for its exemplary work in the field of ageing, relief efforts work during the Covid 19 pandemic and recognition of the organization’s outstanding contribution to population issues and efforts in the realization of older persons rights in India. Currently there are a projected 138 million elderly in India. HelpAge India voices their concerns, so they can lead secure & dignified lives. It works through 26 State Offices across India, runs numerous programs on-ground, addressing elder needs and advocating for their rights, such as their right to Universal Pension, quality Healthcare, action against Elder Abuse and many more at a national, state and societal level with Central and State governments. It advocates for elder friendly policies and their implementation thereof. The organization’s programs are focused on direct interventions in the areas of Healthcare (mobile healthcare units, cataract surgeries), Agecare (helplines, senior citizen care homes and day care centres, physiotherapy), Livelihoods (elder-self-help groups; linkages with government schemes), Disaster Response (e.g. covid19 relief response), as well as Advocacy and Awareness on rights and policies relating to elders.
India's New Culture & Value Based School  Fund
1 nonprofit
India's New Culture & Value Based School Fund
Dear Friends, We are excited to share our ambitious vision with you - the creation of a groundbreaking Vedic school that will shape the leaders of tomorrow with wisdom, values, and spirituality. 🏫 Why a New Vedic School Matters 🏫 In a world that often loses sight of spiritual values, providing an education that nurtures both the mind and soul is paramount. Our new Vedic school will: ✨ Offer a holistic education rooted in the profound teachings of the Vedas, combining ancient wisdom with modern knowledge. ✨ Foster compassion, integrity, and a sense of purpose in our students, preparing them for a life of ethical leadership. ✨ Cultivate future leaders who will inspire positive change, promoting a harmonious and spiritually awakened world. ✨ Our motto is academic excellence with Heart. 💫 Building a Legacy of Wisdom and Values 💫 Your support for this project is an investment in the future of education, spirituality, and society. Your contribution will: 🏛️ Modern Infrastructure: Help us create a state-of-the-art school facility that enhances the learning experience. 📚 Vedic Wisdom: Ensure that our curriculum imparts timeless teachings, fostering holistic growth. 🌍 Global Impact: Empower future leaders who will contribute to a more compassionate and interconnected world. 🙏 Join Us in Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders 🙏 Together, we can turn this visionary project into a reality and provide a nurturing educational environment that empowers children with knowledge, values, and spirituality. 🌐 Get Involved 🌐 Donate: Your generous contribution will directly support the establishment, staffing, and curriculum development of our new Vedic school. Become a Visionary Patron: Consider becoming a patron of this educational legacy, leaving a lasting impact for generations. Spread the Word: Share our vision with friends, family, and kindred spirits who share our passion for value-based education and spiritual growth. Thank you very much!
Impact Guru - Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) CARE FUND
1 nonprofit
Impact Guru - Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) CARE FUND
This project aims to provide financial aid to patients in India, affected by Spinal Muscular Atrophy Spinal Muscular Atrophy (“SMA”) is a neuro-muscular, progressive, genetic disease that robs people of physical strength by affecting the motor nerve cells in the spinal cord, taking away the ability to walk, eat, or breathe. It is the number one genetic cause of death for infants. SMA is caused by a mutation in the survival motor neuron gene 1 (SMN1). The SMA-affected children and adults are cognitively bright and are budding professionals in various streams, but are physically dependent on their family members, friends, or guardians for any of their daily basic mobility needs. There are 4 types of SMA, SMA Type 1 to Type 4, and many finer variations among these categories. Impact Guru identifies these patients who need financial support for their Hospital and related medical expenses, and supports them through crowdfunding and raising grants. These treatments are using USFDA-approved drugs currently available as follows: - Disease-modifying therapy: These drugs stimulate the production of SMN protein. Nusinersen (Spinraza®) is FDA-approved for both children and adults. Your provider injects the drug into the space around the spinal canal. - Gene replacement therapy: Children younger than two may benefit from a one-time intravenous (IV) infusion of a drug called onasemnogene abeparvovec-xioi (Zolgensma®). This therapy replaces a missing or faulty SMN1 gene with a functioning gene - A different medication, Risdaplam (Evrysdi®), helps adults and children older than two months. People take risdaplam daily by mouth (orally). We are currently raising funds to make medical drugs and treatment more affordable for those in need. Our goal is to support beneficiaries and provide them with access to life-saving resources that would otherwise be too expensive. With your help, we can make a significant impact on the lives of those who require medical assistance. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that everyone has access to the care they need. Thank you for your support in this important endeavor.
Impact Guru - Help for Young Lives Fund
1 nonprofit
Impact Guru - Help for Young Lives Fund
It is a tragic reality that children, particularly those under 5 years old, are vulnerable to infectious diseases like malaria, pneumonia, diarrheas, HIV, and tuberculosis. These illnesses can be devastating, and unfortunately, often result in the loss of young lives. Even older children face significant threats, such as non-communicable diseases, injuries, and conflict. At ImpactGuru, we understand the heart-wrenching toll that these diseases take on children and their families. We have witnessed firsthand the struggles of those who cannot afford the medical treatment needed to save their loved ones. It is a heartbreaking situation that demands our attention and action. We are committed to bridging the gap between donors and fundraisers, to provide vital support to those affected by these wretched conditions. We urge you to join us in this mission to provide hope and healing to those in need. With your help, we can ease the burden of organ failures, enable patients to access the care they so desperately require, and raise awareness about these diseases and their prevention. It is true that every little bit counts and even the smallest monthly donation can make a significant difference in the lives of thousands of patients. Your generosity can help alleviate the financial strain of post-hospitalization expenses, such as prolonged medication, diagnostics, rehabilitation therapies, and follow-up doctor visits/consultations, which can vary from disease to disease. We implore you to consider the immense impact that your contribution can make toward saving the lives of innocent children who are suffering from multiple diseases. Your support can give them a fighting chance to overcome their illnesses and live the life they deserve. Let us come together to make a meaningful difference in the world, one donation at a time.
Help children from three schools participate in STEM fairs Fund
0 nonprofits
Help children from three schools participate in STEM fairs Fund
Подкрепи ученици от три училища да развият свои STEM проекти и да участват на научен фестивал през учебната 2023-2024 година! За провеждането на Sci-High клуб и фестивал в едно училище през учебната 2023-2024 година е необходима сумата от 7000 евро. Общият бюджет за три училища е 21 000 евро. Твоята подкрепа може да го осигури. За осъществяване на клуб Sci-High в едно училище оргазаницията: - обучава 4-ма учители за модератори на клуб Sci-High (обучението има за цел да ги запознае с иновативната методология, която използваме в Sci-High и която могат да използват като допълнителен инструмент в преподаването си) - предоставя готови разработени уроци за провеждане на клуба през учебната година - осигурява допълнително заплащане на 2-ма учители за провеждане на седмични сесии на клуба в училището и организация на училищен фестивал в края на учебната година - осигурява материали на учениците в клуба, за да построят своите прототипи, кампании, симулации - на всеки ученически отбор осигурява подходящ ментор от съответната научна област - подкрепя практическата насоченост на решенията като координира с училищния директор, институции и организации различни инициативи и дискусии - организира и заплаща транспорта на отборите до националния фестивал Sci-High в София, където на края на учебната година се състезават всички отбори, завършили успешно проектите си - подкрепя участия на отборите с техните Sci-High проекти в други състезания и олимпиади. (Две години подред ученически проекти от Sci-High клубовете вземат награди от състезанието SuperSTEM. През последната учебна година 2022/23 един от отборите взе награда от фестивала Fission на Американски колеж, а техен участник спечели Златен медал в предварителния кръг на международната СТЕМ олимпиада). Много от иновативните образователни проекти и инициативи са концентрирани в София и в частни школи. Ние вярваме, че децата в цялата страна имат потенциал, затова нашата цел е да имаме присъствие на място в училище и да покриваме повече области и конкретно такива, които имат по-голяма нужда от това. Тази учебна година фокусът ни е област Хасково. През 2023 година резултатът на Хасково на националното външно оценяване (НВО) в 7ми клас е 48 точки при среден за страната - 55 точки. Областта се намира на 18то място в страната по общ резултат от изпитите по БЕЛ и математика.